
Vietare l’allevamento di polpi nell’UE!
Al Commissario UE per l’Ambiente, gli Oceani e la Pesca, al Ministro dell’Agricoltura, della Pesca e dell’Alimentazione della Spagna, Luis Planas Puchades, e al Presidente del Governo delle Isole Canarie, Fernando Clavijo Batlle. Questa petizione è gestita da Acción Océanos & Raíces y Brotes. VEDI LINK>> “Vi chiediamo di emanare una legge che vieti l’allevamento di polpi negli allevamenti in Europa”
NewsLetter Mundus Maris – Small-Scale fisheries should benefit from better resource management
July had small-scale fisheries (SSF) as the major highlights for us as the conference in Cyprus about hope spots in Europe at the beginning of the month turned up a lot of shade beside those hopeful examples. It was immediately followed by the SSF Summit, this time in the FAO premises in Rome. More than 300 participants broadened the perspectives, networking, hopes and aspirations for better futures to a global level…