
La devastazione dei fondali marini
La Norvegia ha intenzione di usare macchinari giganti per squarciare il fondale oceanico nell’Artico… vandalizzando uno degli ultimi luoghi incontaminati del nostro pianeta e distruggendo aree vitali per le balene e innumerevoli altre specie. Si chiama estrazione mineraria in acque profonde e abbiamo uno spiraglio di opportunità per fermarla prima che inizi: possiamo proteggere nell’immediato una porzione di fondale marino grande quanto il Regno Unito e in seguito farci sentire con forza per vietare a livello…
NEWSLETTER: Disaster preparedness saves lives
Last month, we called attention to slow progress or even retrogressive steps with the Sustainable Development Goals. At half point it looks like we’ll be missing most of the 169 targets underpinning the 17 goals. This is despite of 7,777 actions registered in their pursuit on the UN website. In September, the UN General Assembly endorsed the SDGs again at the end of the week dedicated to the mid-term progress…
NEWSLETTER: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) need a big boost
In early September, the Global Sustainable Development Report was launched, ahead of the UN Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at midway to 2030. The report is issued every four years and was peer reviewed by 104 researchers from many disciplines. The summary of shortfalls makes sobering reading: Only two of the 36 SDG targets reviewed were on track. Fourteen showed ‘fair’ progress, with targets just in reach if…
GREENPEACE MEXICO: Y tú, ¿qué tanto sabes de los océanos?
La minería en aguas profundas es una de las cinco grandes amenazas que enfrentan los océanos. Si actuamos ahora, tenemos la oportunidad de ponerle un alto a esta industria extractiva y destructiva antes de que empiece, preservando la biodiversidad del océano, el clima y la vida en el Planeta Tierra. No hay lugar en un futuro sostenible para la minería submarina. Los gobiernos deben pronunciarse a favor de una moratoria…